Career Development
DevelopmentAnnual performance reviews and individual employee training plans are provided toencourage females to further develop their career, leading to management roles. This includesshort courses, networking opportunities, business coaching and apprenticeships such as CivilConstruction – Plant Operations.
Flexible working arrangements
Where possible, we support flexible working arrangements including hybrid roles and workinghours.
Equal pay for equal roles
We are committed to ‘Equal pay for equal roles’. Employees are audited in conjunction withannual performance reviews to ensure that women are being paid equally for the same work.
Consultation on policies, procedures and processes
Employees are consulted on new policies, processes and procedures and it is encouraged thatany new policies, processes and procedures are gender neutral
Zero tolerance for harassment
Women should feel safe, respected, and valued. All employees sign an Employee Handbookduring onboarding. The Employee Handbook clearly outlines zero tolerance for harassmentand how to report on harassment in the workplace.
Recognised CCF Employer Who Champions Women in Civil