Location: First-Fourth Streets – Boolaroo
Value: $16,000,000.00
Stage 1 Scope:
- Earthworks 220,000m3 cut to fill
- 100,000m3 in rock
- 1900m2 of crib lock retaining walls up to 8m high
- 1600m2 of concrete sleeper walls
- 1700m2 of stone strong walls
- Relocation of 11kVa electrical
- Installation of 2 substations
- All inground HV and LV installation
- Sewer works
- Water works including booster pump station
- Bio-basin works including parkland works
- NBN installation
- Gas installation
- Asphalting works
- Concreting of footpaths and weir walls
- Kerb and gutter works
- Installations of 3 GPT units
- 3 outages with Ausgrid
- Road construction
- 3km of stormwater drainage ranging from 375mm-1500mm
Read the case study here.